Monday, July 14, 2008

Back to Routine

I think this society is seriously lacking in ways to cope with an unexpected (or even an expected) death in the family. One week later everyone's expected to go back to their normal routine as if nothing ever happened, as if this person never existed in your life and their sudden absence from it should barely ripple the waters.

They say (whoever the hell 'they' are) that the best thing is to just get back to your normal activities as quickly as possible. Why? To purposely distract yourself?

Oh well, I guess I can't really complain. My loss here is nothing compared to that of my brother and nieces. I was just thinking about the fact that routine has resumed, I have to go back to a normal work week, my brother is planning to go back to work today, and ... everything just goes on. And it seems stupid somehow.

Anyway ... my "summer project frenzy" has pretty much hit a brick wall. I don't know what, if anything, I'll be accomplishing in the next couple weeks. Land grab weekend is only two weeks away, and now I'm down to just picking and choosing what (a) must be done, and (b) what else can realistically be done, now that my motivation has taken a nosedive.

I have to cook, that's a given. And I have to sort my Pennsic stuff and get things ready and packed. I have to seal the seams of my new tent (it pretty well leaks like a sieve, and if I want to take this one and not one of my older ones, this must get done) which also means a trip out to the sporting goods store or some place to get seam sealer - I don't think I have any.

Other than that, I'd like to try to finish the pirate coat, fix the purple dress, and make one more outfit - I already bought material for it, a pair of pants and a pirate shirt. Should be able to do that in a day or two if I just sit down and do it. Probably this coming weekend is the most likely time for most of that to get done.

Knitting's pretty much fallen by the wayside. I did rip out the sock I was working on, and re-started it sized for me. I got one toe done, but that all happened only because my boyfriend's band had gigs Friday night and Sunday afternoon, and I went to both, and wanted a project to take with me. I almost always take knitting projects to gigs, when I go ... I can't seem to just sit there and watch the show. Freak that I am.

And that's about it for the knitting for now. I probably won't get back to that until during or after Pennsic, with all the other things that are more urgently needed actually for Pennsic.

I'm out of time this morning, but later, pictures from the gig, and gardening - the garden, despite my recent neglect, has really taken off and now looks mostly the way I envisioned it back in the spring, you know, decades ago.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I'm so sorry about your sister-in-law. You all are still in shock, so take it easy. You can go back to your routine, but your mind isn't really there. There's no good answer for how to deal with it except wait for time to lessen the shock.

I wish I could say something more comforting. Best thoughts with you and your family.