Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Wee Bit Of Progress

Ah, the week goes on. And the weak go on, for that matter. I am slowly recovering from the cold or flu or whatever I had. We decided to postpone going back to the old house for the last surge of moving effort, for a couple reasons. One, since I'm only just recovering, I had an idea that if I went over there again this Saturday and ran myself ragged from morning till midnight, I was just going to have a relapse and possibly get sicker. Two, we got a chimney guy to agree to come look at the fireplaces on Saturday morning - he usually doesn't work Saturdays, but he was being very accommodating, and since our work schedules didn't fit in with his, he agreed to a Saturday appointment. Third, I have to get some stuff done around here pretty soon, or I'll go mad. Mad, I say!

I need to go get a few things for the new house - some bathroom rugs, a couple garbage cans, and a mattress pad for the new mattress. We want to get some pipe insulation too, as our water lines are sweating all over the place down in the basement.

I also have to get my desk set up somewhere, soon - I have to gather up the important papers I've been getting, and need a bill paying station set up for when the bills start coming in, so I can get a grip on the whole money thing without losing something. During the holidays and then the move, I lost several things, and a couple of bills almost didn't get paid, or got paid late, because of it. So I have to take the time to get that set up this weekend as well.

So we're going to move the truck reservation to next weekend, and do our (hopefully final) moving then, and take this weekend to get some other things under control.

Otherwise, things are settling nicely. The furnace issue was simple and cheap - the anticipator on the thermostat was set wrong, causing the furnace to rapid cycle. It was coming on and shutting off in 2 minute cycles, non-stop. Now it runs for about 10 minutes once every 40 to 45 minutes or so, and keeps the house pleasantly warm with just that - I'm encouraged.

I'm also fearing that first gas bill, but over time it'll get better. I know the house needs some serious weatherization, especially insulation in the 'attic' (the cubbies around the Imaginarium), but those are things we'll get done over time.

And we'll have the fireplaces looked at this Saturday, and if all goes well with that, we can have a real fire this Saturday night, instead of asphyxiating everyone.

So all in all, things are going pretty well. It'll get better, I keep telling myself. In another month (or two ...) this chaos will all be behind me, and I can start settling in to life in the Big House.

And more importantly, maybe I can knit again! I miss knitting. But I just haven't been in the frame of mind to do any, at all. Just last night, while sitting watching TV, I thought, hey - I could do some knitting. But I've so lost track of the sweater project, I couldn't even think about digging that out. One thing I could do, however, is start knitting some new dishcloths. I did one last year, and we really like it - it's our favorite dishcloth. Knitting some new ones for the new kitchen would be a fun project that didn't require too much brain power, and I could refamiliarize myself with the process again (since it's been months and months since I knit anything at all!)

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