Monday, June 30, 2008

First Pair of Socks - Done

I finished the first pair of socks today. It took eight days. Not too shabby.

These are for my sister-in-law, who specifically asked for some more socks because due to some medical problems, her feet and legs are so swollen she can't wear anything but the socks I made her for Christmas. I used my generic sock recipe, and added some extra stretch by doing a 2x2 ribbing for the entire foot, not just the ankle.

I started the second pair this evening, after I finished these. I'm not sure I can maintain this pace through several more pairs. Getting that first one done in a week required almost non-stop knitting for the first 4 or 5 days. But ... we'll see how it goes.

I'm pretty up to date on my other projects though - I even cooked one batch of Pennsic meals tonight and froze them with my Seal-A-Meal.

But then there's the pirate coat. That's a time-consuming piece of work, and I need to focus on it a little more if I hope to get it done by Pennsic.

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