Thursday, August 14, 2008


I've been back from Pennsic for five days, and I'm just now starting to think about going back to 'normal life.' I had a really hard time adjusting out of this vacation, for some reason. My truck isn't unpacked yet ... the house is kind of a mess ... it's been rough.

Tonight I plan to start getting some stuff done. 'Plan,' anyway. We'll see how that works out. Part of my problem is that I've been exhausted every night this week, so tired I can barely move or keep my eyes open from about 2:00 in the afternoon until about 8:00, when for some reason I tend to get a second wind. Since that's the same schedule I was on at Pennsic, maybe that's all it is - a carryover from vacation. There, I blamed it on the weather - in the hottest part of the day I'd get sleepy and want to take a nap. Sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't, but either way I never felt really awake again until something after 8:00. But I have to break myself of that here - that schedule just isn't going to fly now, and it's causing me to get nothing done.

Despite the tiredness, the only thing I have been doing in the evening is practicing poi. But I think I'm going to take a break for a day or two. I was doing fairly okay with it, but yesterday I seemed to have a regression - things I'd already learned I suddenly couldn't remember how to do. I think it's just a matter of letting the lessons sink into my muscle memory. I used to go through this with fiddle. I'd be trying to learn something new, and I'd play it a lot, and only half get it ... then I'd take a break for a few days or longer, and when I'd come back to it, even after not playing for awhile, suddenly I'd "have" whatever the thing was I'd been struggling with before.

At least I hope it works that way with poi - if not, I'm going to be starting all over! That's okay, but it's a wee bit discouraging because I don't seem to be doing very well with it. But I'll give it some more time and see how things go. It's only been five days! It's a whole new skill set, can't expect to learn it in less than a week.

So that's where I'm at ... trying to ramp up the energy to start unpacking, cleaning up the house, and getting back on track. The knitting's still packed, so I haven't done any of that either. It'd be nice to get my sweater done in time for cooler fall weather - which will probably be in about 6 weeks. I might be able to do it.

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