Thursday, August 14, 2008


Yeah, I couldn't stay away. I managed not to play with my balls ... umm, tennis balls ... until late tonight, after dark, but then Greg whipped out his staff ... okay, this conversation is just degrading. Let me try again.

When I got interested in poi, Greg decided to start working with staff again, with the goal in mind of eventually working up to fire staff. He's done staff work in the past, just never lit. The staff, that is.

So, Greg got out the staff, and I couldn't resist, and got out the poi. Cool thing I learned: practicing poi in the dark (with non-glowing poi) is really interesting. I couldn't see them, so I had to do everything by feel. It was an excellent exercise in understanding how the movements are supposed to feel, not just look. I think I'll incorporate some after-dark practice into my routine on a regular basis.

I got back the moves I'd lost yesterday, so that was - as I thought - just a minor flux. I was much encouraged after tonight's practice

As for unpacking and whatnot ... yeah, not so much. I haven't unpacked a single damned thing out of the truck since I came home last Saturday. Can we all say "Slackass" with a capital Slack. Oh well. It'll get done ... eventually. Probably before Saturday, as we're off to my brother's boat for the Beaver River Regatta. To fit us all in the truck, I have to unpack it. (grumble grumble)

That's about it for now. I think I'm off for some more after-dark poi practice.

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