Saturday, February 6, 2010

Yep. That's a Snowstorm.

I've left the Haiti post up for awhile, in part because I just really didn't have anything else to say for quite awhile after that.

But this major snowstorm seems worthy of a new blog post.

We were on the far northwest fringe of this system, and were only supposed to get 4" to 6" of snow.

Ha. I stepped out my front door this morning, and for starters, when I thought I was on the bottom step, I wasn't ... there was a whole 'nother step, then the ground. I plunged into snow up to my knees. No kidding.

There was no way I could subject Tyler to that, so I resorted to backing my truck up, to find a relatively clear spot for him to stand, and then carrying him out to it. The snow was higher than his back - he'd have been engulfed in it. This is like a snowy Tyler playpen - he wanted out, but every time he came up against the surrounding wall o' snow higher than his head, he just wouldn't go through it. Smart dog.

Lotta snow.

(That's the lawn goose, in case you couldn't tell).

That's at least 12" to 14" of snow. Yep, I'm declaring a snow day, and doing nothing all day.

Later update ...

We ended up having to shovel some snow, and I was able to get Tyler out.

He was not amused.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice. Good to see you got the Rev out there getting some exercise - he needs it at his age.

I have about 16" at my house - got some shovelling done today before coming to work, and will do the same tomorrow before work.
