Monday, August 31, 2009

The Plan Needs Tweaked

That's okay ... I think it's tweakable. It took way longer than I'd hoped it was going to ... it did, literally, take all day, and I didn't even get everything done.

But I think that was bad planning on my part. I didn't look through what I wanted to make very clearly before just diving into it. So I saved some of the more difficult complicated things for later in the day, when I could have started them early and had them cooking while I worked on other things. I also didn't combine cooking the same ingredients for multiple meals, but cooked each thing individually - like, I needed so many cups of rice for this meal, so many for that meal - but instead of cooking all the rice at once, I cooked each batch for each meal separately. That was more poor planning, where I could have saved some time.

But I think overall this is a good scheme, which will work out great as I get things sorted out and plan a little better. Now I have the joy of an upcoming week with a bunch of pre-cooked meals in the freezer, and little to do after work - yay!

Plus, once I get the system tweaked, with good planning I can just make double batches of some things, so that I only have to cook those particular meals every other rotation - as little as every four months. That's pretty awesome.

Meanwhile, I seem to have gotten a cold, which last night had me feeling pretty horrible, although this morning I don't feel quite so bad. It just ticks me off, though. I hate being sick, and especially right now - I'm so far behind at work it's downright frightening, and I really can't afford to either miss any work or be slow and unfocused during the day. I'm hitting my Airborne and hoping for the best. Maybe my frozen meal plan will come in handier than I thought this week, as without having to do all that cooking, I can rest more and hopefully recover faster from the stupid cold.

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