Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In Praise of Garter Stitch

When I first started knitting, I had no respect for garter stitch. I thought it was boring, and not even very asthetically pleasing. It didn't look like knitting. I wanted nothing to do with it.

Working on this log cabin blanket, I'm developing a new respect for garter stitch. I just started this project on a whim one night when I needed a break from Celtic Icon and didn't want to make any more dishcloths. In fact, I kind of thought I might just start it to amuse myself for a night or two, but it would end up being one of those projects I just work on briefly, then abandon, later to either unravel or just outright throw away (if unraveling would be more trouble than the worth of the yarn it would save).

Not so. I'm really liking this project. It's wonderful, simple relaxation ... knit knit knit knit, turn. Repeat. Perfect TV knitting. Perfect "I don't want to have to think but I need something to do with my hands" knitting. And I'm starting to like the look of the garter stitch, it's elegantly simple ridgy rows. Garter stitch is very soft and stretchy. I think it's going to make a wonderful blanket.

Here's where I'm at so far. I only raided my stash to start this with, and since I haven't used worsted weight yarn much, didn't have a lot of selection. I think I've done pretty OK so far in mixing up what I have into a decentish combination. I didn't want to invest a lot of money in this project, but I may pick up a few skeins of some brighter colors this weekend, something inexpensive (and completely machine washable, this is another utility project I don't want to have to coddle in use).

I probably won't get back to the quilting until the weekend ... in fact, that will probably always be reserved for Sundays, my lay-about creative day.

In other news ... it's finally definitely winter here. After enjoying 50s and 60s in November and December, it's been cold (teens and 20s) for a week or more, with snow on the ground that isn't melting off every afternoon. I don't like winter, but it is pretty. I'd prefer not to have to go out in it. I'd prefer not to have to go out again until it's at least 70 degrees. I guess we can't have everything.

At least I got a decent night's sleep, to make up for Sunday night's debauchery. Last night we lounged in the living room, me working on the log cabin blanket, and watched a movie - The Illusionist. I don't often get very impressed with movies, but this one is really good. I recommend it.

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