Unfortunately I didn't buy one, with a nice base. This was just an, umm, Festivus Pole that we found in the workshop that we didn't know we had. Yeah. That's it. So I had to prop it up with a stepstool. But I was pretty excited. It cheered me up every time I looked at it.
Christmas Eve at the Office From Hell was another story. Our boss had initially told us we could leave early on Christmas Eve, but only if we made up our time in the next week. In other words, if we wanted to leave at 2:00 p.m., we'd owe him three hours of make-up time sometime in the next week.
Well. Can we say "Ebenezer"? I've never grumbled (too much) about working Christmas Eve, as I always have, I'm used to it. But we always used to get to go home early with no strings attached. So this new twist was kind of a bummer.
My co-worker and I decided to have a bit of silent protest. We got these name tags (I forgot to buy any, but found a place online to easily print them right on to the same Avery labels we use for everything else in our office ... it's almost like they knew ... ). Here's mine.

(That's stuck overtop of a skull and cross-bones because the only red shirt I had to wear was one that said "I LOVE PIRATES" ... so that's what I wore to work today, with my green cardigan ... just call me Ms. Christmas).
Anyway, my co-worker's name tag said "Hello, my name is BOB CRATCHIT."
Ironically (maybe the ghost of Christmas Future paid a visit?), just as we were patting our labels into place, our boss came in and said he'd changed his mind, we were all going home at 1:00, and no one had to make up the time.
Hmmm. (He hadn't seen the labels, so that's not why). (Unless he heard us talking about it, which is possible).
Anyway, that's been my holiday fun and giggles for the last two days. Now I'm done with that place till Monday (wooo-hooooo), I'm done wrapping presents, I have one more Christmas-y thing to do, then I'm going to go sit down and work on that baby blanket in the beautiful Captain's Parlor ... have I posted this yet? I'm thrilled with my Christmas-y, Victorianesque living room. (That last thing I have to do is put up the pine garland along the mantle, which I have procrastinated about as long as I can, seeing as it's Christmas Eve ... but it will be up there at least for tonight and tomorrow).

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