Those of you who have been here for awhile know that this blog started almost exclusively as a knitting blog. But then I branched out into other things, and then at some point last year I quit knitting entirely. Not for lack of interest, but too much other stuff going on, with the house hunting and buying and whatnot. Since we moved in I haven't even known where most of my knitting stuff was, and have had little time to work on such projects.
I'd been thinking for awhile that I was jonesing for some knitting, so this weekend I dug out a project - the sweater I'd started a year and a half ago.

The good news is, I was able to pick up right where I left off, with no problem.
The bad news is, in the basket in which this project was located, there are only two additional skeins of the yarn. Yet I have more than half the back of the sweater, and two sleeves, to go. Now, I know I ordered more than enough yarn for this project way back when. I probably stashed the rest of it, and only kept a few skeins in the basket, handy. Problem is, I have no idea where the rest of it is. We've unpacked most everything, or at least moved it around enough till I have a good idea where most things are. And I am not aware of any boxes or totes or anything else, that has a yarn stash in it which includes that project yarn.
So, since I'm concerned it somehow got lost in the move, I'm hesitant to put too much more time into that sweater till I find the yarn. Because I know those two skeins aren't enough to finish it, and I know I can't order more, almost two years later, and have it match.
But that's not too big an issue at the moment, because I have some more pressing projects. Greg's got 3 siblings all going to present him with nephews (or possibly a niece) in the next 6 or 7 months. I've decided they all need knitted baby blankets.
You may remember the log cabin blanket. Well, I had so damned much fun knitting that project, that I decided it would be a great format for baby blankets. I used to gravitate to the frilly, lacy, specialty-stitched baby blankets. But Greg pointed out something very useful to me - having had two kids, he said those lacy baby blankets are actually kind of a pain because babies' fingers and toes tend to get caught up in them, annoyingly.
Besides, I wanted something durable and long-lived and really useful. So I decided - and he wholeheartedly agreed - that a log cabin baby blanket would be the bomb, as it's about indestructible. It can be used for a crib blanket, car seat blanket, thrown on the ground (or in the sand at the beach, as they all live in North Carolina), used and abused, and washed and dried, and turn out looking better than when it started.
And since they're so dang fun to knit, I said, that'll work. So today I went out and bought some yarn to start the first baby blanket.

I hadn't knitted in so long (well over a year) that I was afraid I had actually forgotten how. It turned out to be like riding a bike ... no problems. When I had to cast on for the blanket, as I was thinking about it, I was thinking, "I don't remember how to do this," and thought I was going to have to go find my knitting books to look it up. But as soon as I picked up the yarn in my hand, it all came back to me. Beautiful!
So, I started the blanket today, and I am beyond thrilled. This is wonderful, to be doing this again. And log cabin blankets are the best, especially when you're out of practice, because it's just straight knitting, and very little counting - in fact, no counting while you're knitting if you don't want to ... you just have to occasionally count rows after the fact. (And even that isn't that big a deal, as the pattern still works fine if you make too many or too few rows).
I'm pretty psyched to be back to knitting.
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