But while there, I found these ...
(Disclaimer: I tried to make each item a link to its page on Ravelry, but Ravelry won't let you do that - the link just takes you to a generic internet search page. I suspect it's because Ravelry is a membership-only site [though membership is free]. I apologize if I've stepped on anyone's toes, that was not my intent - I didn't want to infringe on any copyrights or anything like that, I just wanted to share what I thought was some really awesomely creative combinations of yarn and animals. Anyone who is interested in these patterns should hop on over to Ravelry and get your own self a free membership. And if anyone whose pattern pictures I've posted happens across this and feels I am in fact stepping on their toes, please email me at rayneoftara AT yahoo DOT com, and I will promptly remove your portion or the entire post. Again - not trying to offend, just share some of the stuff I found so great at Ravelry).
Okay - moving on ...
I want to get a cat just so I can make this and put it on it.

That was the first in the line of Stacy Mar International Cat Hats (that one being Japan), of which this (Turkey) is also a contender.

And then I want to start a line of Designer Rodent Wear:

These are called "Bear Booties" ...
... and I thought it was a joke until I read the description on the pattern page:
"This pattern is to keep the bear’s paws warm during surgery. Asia Animal Foundation would love 4 booties (since bears have 4 paws) but will happily accept less and combine with other donations."
Who knew?
Likewise, I thought these people had finally crossed the line into Knitters With Too Much Time On Their Hands (Or Too Much Yarn) ...

... till I ran onto yet a third such pattern, and read the info page for it. Turns out that chickens, too, are sometimes rescued as abused animals, and often are missing a lot of their feathers. In cold climates they can freeze to death if not protected until their feathers grow back ... so, this actually is useful.
People who abuse animals deserve to be treated the exact same way they treated their animals.
Anyway - I considered this ...

... but Tyler would never forgive me.
There's just something about knitting a dog sweater out of fake fur that I both love, and makes my eyes kind of cross at the same time.

But I found a couple of potential dog sweater patterns, so I'm off to check them out and hopefully get Tyler warmed up for winter.
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