First, I finally got the fence finished - as in, actually put up (attached to the posts) instead of just leaning there.

That was a whole lotta fun. Attaching the top cross-pieces wasn't that bad, but the bottom ones? With those shrubs in front of them? Well, to get to one of them, I had to crawl on my belly underneath the shrubs, and then the fence was too close to the shrub base for the drill (being used as a screwdriver) to fit, so I had to put the screws in more than half-way by hand. What a pain!
But it's done. Yay, yay, a thousand yays. I didn't paint the metal post-holders, I was debating on it, but didn't ... I'm figuring in future years, when I have plants growing in front of them, they won't really show anyway.
The second thing was the new rain water barrel.

I wanted the one in this part of the garden to be the commercial, 'prettier' one since it will show so much more. I don't really like the design of this (not the physical design, but the way it's designed to work) so it'll be interesting to see how well it does. I also know the spigot's WAY too high up the side - it's supposed to be 55 gallon capacity, but with the spigot that far up, you only have access to 2/3 of the water it holds. If it works well otherwise, we may lower that spigot next year.
That was it ... but after going to Gander Mountain for seam sealer, the grocery store, the bank, getting gas in the truck, then doing all that - it was a day.
I'm still hoping, after a bit of a rest, to get back to gathering up some Pennsic stuff. Even though I have plenty of time (!) I figure it can't hurt to start now. Since I won't be going out for two weeks, I have more time right now than those (like Greg) who are going out this coming Friday for the duration, and I seem to have little to do this year! A miracle!
All my stuff's up in the Imaginarium, jumbled about, needing organized, but all there. I don't have any more garb to make (at least, I'm not going to attempt to make any more at this point), I've already bought all my Pennsic food (been buying a few things each week for awhile now so I don't have to make some big last minute grocery store trip) ... the only really time-consuming thing I still have to do is cook Tyler's food in advance. I don't know, it's looking way too easy this year. Makes me wonder what I forgot.
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