Tonight I discovered four bunnies running rampant around my yard, and apparently the entire neighborhood, or else there's more of them (which is likely, of course). I saw bunnies playing in my front yard, then I saw a couple of them run across the road (which scared the crap out of me, this is a busy street), then I saw four of them playing and chasing each other around the neighbor's yard across the street. A little while later I took Tyler for a walk, and there were two gallivanting about a few houses down, actually hopping down the sidewalk as if just out for a stroll. One of them started hopping right towards us, totally unconcerned. Tyler's mostly blind or he'd have went nuts over that. As it was, when the bunny finally veered off through the yard, he caught it's scent, and that got him going for a bit.
Then I came back and was sitting out in the front garden when a bunny came careening around the garage and up to within about fifteen feet of Tyler. I clapped my hands and shooed him off, as I was afraid Tyler would suddenly get a whiff (or sight) of that one and take off after it. He's tied up, but I didn't want him hitting the end of that rope at a dead run and choking himself.
The bunny ran back around the garage towards the back yard, and I figured that's where they were hanging out. So I took my camera back there to see what I could catch.
There were four of them back there cavorting, and based on where they were running to and from, it looks like their base of operations may be under the porch - which would make sense, it'd make a great rabbit warren.
Once I sat down in the grass and stayed still, they seemed totally unconcerned about me, and came amazingly close, it seemed - though I didn't get any great pictures. Here's a few decent ones.

There are three bunnies in this picture ... but they're hard to see in the tall grass. See if you can spot them.

Does this help?

That was really awesome. I'm glad they're here and hope they survive running back and forth across this damned busy road!
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