It's an old Wurlitzer organ. A friend of ours was moving, and didn't want to take this with him. He was going to throw it out, and we said, ummm ... it's a musical instrument, it works, we have to rescue it. And he gave it to us! How cool is that?
We debated on whether to take it (another musical thing in the house?) but I'm glad we did. I had one of these growing up, in fact, it was probably the first thing I ever learned to play music on. I remember learning several Kansas tunes on it (Miracles Out Of Nowhere, for one) - I had this Kansas songbook with the sheet music, and some of it sounded awesome on the organ.
This one works great, and the sounds this thing produces are really unique!
But what's going to be even cooler is when we, um, refurbish it a little bit. The best place we could find to put it was on that big bare wall in the living room.
But in its current state it doesn't fit in very well with the decor. We've figured out a great way to work around that.
It's getting steampunked.
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