Here's a picture of the progress (with skein of yarn for sizing).

Not too shabby for a week, considering it took me more than a month to get this far on the first one. I tried a new pattern on this one, and I'm not sure I'm liking it very well, but I'll have to wait till more of it's done, as I can't really judge yet (poor visualization skills).
As for this morning ... so we'd ordered some firewood, was supposed to be about half a cord. The guy was going to deliver it today, but he was supposed to call first. So we figured he'd call sometime in the early afternoon, and we'd go out and clear a spot for the wood then.
About 9:30 a.m. (barely woken up, still having coffee) we hear a knock at the door, and guess who's here? The guy, with a large dump truck load of firewood. It looked to us like at least a cord, quite possibly more.
So, barely awake, not even through our first pot of coffee, we're outside slinging a metric assload of firewood. We'd decided to put it in the garage till spring, because (a) we're not using the garage for my truck right now anyway, and (b) there's too much snow to get around to the side of the garage where we usually stack the firewood. Not expecting this much wood, we cleared out what we thought was a reasonably-sized space.
Ummm, no. It filled up half the garage. Here's one not-very-good picture (really doesn't do the size of the stacks of wood justice) ...

... and this is the stack that's behind the other one, that you can't see from the other side.

Well. I certainly can't complain (though my arms are, at the moment). Judging by the size of the stack of firewood we had last summer, and how long it lasted, I would reasonably estimate that this load of firewood really ought to last us at least a year, and very possibly two. I'm not kidding - unless we turn into fire bugs (or Rhys comes over). This is at least twice as much as we had (and I think more than twice as much, really), and that batch lasted us about 8 months, I think.
And all that for $160 (plus delivery). Oh, and the best part - it's mostly hickory, apple and cherry - completely seasoned, totally dry, exceptionally beautiful! I am totally happy with that expenditure of funds.
By the way, Rhys, I wish you would come over. We miss you! (and we have plenty of firewood! ... )
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