It's hard to see in the picture, but those are pirates hanging from the rope, with a sign that says 'Pirates Ye Be Warned.' Although later, since we are all pirates, I said maybe having hanging pirates in our front yard isn't the best thing for us ... seems kind of disloyal. So we might think of something else next year.
Then he made a spooky 'soundtrack' to play during trick-or-treat. It was very well done - he did all the sound effects himself, and it was really creepy! The background was a constant sound of a creaking ship, with all kinds of other sounds cycling through - creepy sayings, discordant music, a few random screams and yells. Really good!
The Dread Reverend and Paddy dressed up to pass out candy. (I dressed up a little, too - wore my pirate coat, anyway). Even Tyler wanted to get in on the fun.

We didn't have nearly as many trick-or-treaters as we'd thought we might, so we have tons of candy left over. But that's okay ... it's not like it'll go to waste, and I'd rather have too much than run out.
There was one truly scary thing that happened, and not in that Halloween fun kinda way. We had the leftover candy in the dining room, but on one of the chairs instead of on the table. We decided to run out for a few minutes to stop by a friend's house a few blocks away, and to stop in the local mini-mart for cigarettes. When we got back, the first sight that greeted me was Tyler snuffling through shredded candy wrappers on the floor around him. Holy cow ... he'd gotten into the candy. And chocolate is toxic to dogs!
After an initial moment of panic (and being really, extremely pissed at myself for leaving chocolate where he could get to it, when I'm usually so very careful about those kinds of things!), I went through the wrappers and figured out that he'd eaten two Reese's Peanut Butter Cups candy bars - not two cups, two whole candy bars, four cups. But, since they are mostly peanut butter with just a thin chocolate coating, I talked it over with the Dread Reverend, and we agreed that he got only a minimal amount of chocolate, and he would probably be fine.
He ate almost an entire bag of chocolate covered peanuts one time years ago, and I called the vet to ask about it - but they told me since it was actually a very small amount of chocolate on each peanut, it wouldn't hurt him, and the worst that would probably happen would be a stomach ache from the peanuts.
Tyler did drink an awful lot of water last night, and his stomach was growling loudly for awhile, but otherwise he seems fine. If he had eaten any more, or any other kind that was more solidly chocolate, I'd have panicked and had him at the emergency vet's ... but fortunately for us, he loves peanut butter, and picked those Reese's cups out of a wide variety of other candy bars. So I think he'll be fine.
And I capped off the night with a nice, Halloween-y fire in the Captain's Parlour. Really beautiful!

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