Taking Tyler went better than either Robin or I expected it would. Tyler settled in just fine, as if he'd been doing this all his life. He only had a couple of small barky moments, but was quickly quieted down. He was a trooper, curious, inquisitive, wanting to explore, wanting to sniff and see everything. He really seemed to enjoy himself.
The only time I worried about him was when we went to bed Saturday night, as it was starting to get kind of chilly - I was okay with it, but he was on top of the blankets, and it had been a little drizzly for just a bit earlier, so it was a damp chill. I finally convinced him to get under the blankets, with his head on my pillow, and he cozily slept that way all the rest of the night - so I know he was toasty warm, because I was.
The potential rain turned out to be a non-issue. It drizzled for maybe half an hour to 45 minutes just as Robin was setting up the bardic circle, but it was so light as to really not matter to anyone - had I not had Tyler I'd have just sat in it, as most everyone else did. But I didn't want him getting wet and cold. A merchant had left her pop-up shade fly set up when she put her wares away, and it was only about 30' from the fire bowl, so Tyler and I hung out there until the rain stopped and the stars came out, then relocated back to the fire. I sat with him on a blanket on the ground, wrapped him up in my cloak, and he went to sleep.
The only other rain was after we'd finished packing up and had just gotten in the truck to leave - so no harm, no foul there.
Our little camp set-up.

The Magic Carpet Kavehane - the turkish coffee house / Celtistani bardic hangout.

The proprietors, Lady J and Llewellyn, serve up turkish coffee and turkish delight for a simple price - a song, a tale, or a joke. We heard some wonderful performers. Unfortunately I didn't get any of their names. Harps were abounding this year.

Robin at the Kavehane.

Pictures of Tyler! He didn't have any garb, so his piratey get-up had to do.

Yes, even camping he gets his home-cooked meals.

While I was fixing dinner, he decided to rest up with a nap. It's hard to see him, he's all curled up in a ball.

Around camp. He really liked this bridge for some reason.

But while we were packing up, he let me know he was ready to go - standing at the open truck door looking longingly at the seat. (or maybe it was just the cheese and crackers that were temporarily stashed there ...).

All settled in for the ride / nap home.

And he is now completely passed out in the chair downstairs, having a good long nap ... which is exactly what I'd like to be doing, but I think I'll try to work up the energy to help unload the truck and put our stuff away instead. Ah, the dog's life.
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