And moved. For hours. Ugh.
We were only supposed to get the smaller truck this weekend, thinking (in our moving-induced delusion) that would be enough.
Ha. Something went awry, and we ended up getting the bigger truck (the same size truck we used last moving weekend) for the price of the smaller one. Nice. And handy, because we filled it - front to back, clear full.

And no. We didn't get everything out of the house. Sigh. But, we did get everything we need a truck for. From here on out, we're stuck having to make the dreaded SUV treks ... back and forth with stuff in the back of my Explorer. I was hoping to avoid that, but unfortunately I didn't. I said yesterday, I feel like this is my new life ... every other weekend I'll just have to move stuff from one house to the other, over and over, for ever.
Moving on ...
We got a very important thing done this weekend. Greg was able to pick up an Irish flag, and we got that up ... not just for St. Patrick's Day, but for year round.

I got more stuff moved into the Imaginarium. It's kind of a mess right now still.

I did some work up there today, but there are two things going on. First, I'm overwhelmed (in a good way) with all the choices and options. Oh, don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining. It's just that I'm unused to having so much space to work with, so many options, I can basically do anything I want! And I'm just not used to that, so the creative centers of my imagination are a little rusty. But it's coming along ... every once in awhile I get an epiphany, I'm sure over time I'll get it fixed up perfectly.
The second thing is that all of my stuff isn't up there yet. The last moving push piled the dining room from floor to ceiling with more boxes, and somewhere in there is the rest of my Imaginarium stuff. I'll get to it ... eventually ... maybe in October.
Tyler seemed to like it.

But I am psyched about being able to start new projects soon!!! I have ideas. There's a spot on the wall where I know exactly what I want ... something I've been wanting to do for a long time, and didn't have the space (mental or physical) to deal with ... a landscape quilt. A picture quilt, you know, where you use just fabric and fancy sewing to make pictures. I found this spot on the wall that just really needed something, and knew immediately that's what I wanted to put there. And I know what I want the picture to be, but I'll leave that for later, so it can be a surprise.
And, we have our first leak! Why am I so excited? Because you're guaranteed that something like this is going to happen, but this one's not really a big deal. I noticed a tiny puddle of water on the basement floor, but not near any wall. And it was small. After looking around, I saw a couple of copper water pipes that were dripping at their elbows. So Greg checked it out and they weren't leaking exactly ... we traced them all the way upstairs to the attic cubby ...

... and found that actually there's a leak around the stack pipe, because we're having Biblical rains at the moment. So the water is seeping through around the stack pipe at the roof, then gently running right down the pipe, all the way to the basement. Fortunately, it's such a tiny leak, and we know exactly where it is, and it's easily fixed ... uh, once it stops raining.
It was kind of nice that something we found that had gone wrong (there will be things, you know) was so minor and easily fixed.
We also have a bit of a lake ...

... but fortunately, there is enough grading of the landscaping right at the basement wall that it's keeping it far enough away from the house that it shouldn't be an issue. And again - (a) we are having an inordinate amount of rain, on top of what was an inordinate amount of snow melt in the last month. NOAA has issued a flood watch because the ground is so saturated as it is. So a little yard ponding in such circumstances isn't unreasonable. (And the neighbor's yard is far more flooded than ours).
And (b) it's also fixable. The prior owners had already done some trenching and graveling around the landscaping - obviously they'd had this problem before, but fortunately they fixed it right, it creates a nice little drainage ditch far enough from the basement walls. In fact, we kind of have a small moat around the place. It looks like it might just need a little maintenance, maybe a little additional digging out this summer.
But again - this is an unusually wet spring here, and I'm confident this isn't going to be a year-round problem. But we'll still do what maintenance and fixing up we can when it dries up this summer, to avoid the problem in other wet springs.
So that's where this weekend went. I'm exhausted and sore and a little meh because it's been so dark and rainy, but I'm also psyched about the way the Imaginarium is shaping up, and seeing that even with excessive rain we haven't had any (knock on wood) bad water issues.
There are so many things to do, and I'm excited about all of them - the yard maintenance and fixing up, planning my little side yard garden, fixing up the Imaginarium.
What an awesome home.
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