The unanimous highlight of the party was the 'special drink' - the Purple Pixie (no, that's not it's whole name, but I will only allow a certain level of lewdity on this blog, and that drink's real name exceeds it). This is a drink I discovered at Pennsic, and replicated for the party. I didn't invent it, once again, thanks to Springwood Forest and the talented woman (whose name I forgot to ask) who made this, then shared the recipe with me. You don't make this one by the glass - you make it by the jug or other large vessel. I happen to have this cool drink dispenser received as a Christmas gift one year, probably holds about 2 gallons of liquid, and has a little handle dispenser - very nice. We made our batches of Purple Pixie in that, and made three - yes, three batches of it ... and it was all gone by the end of the party.
Anyway, enough blather - on to the pictures.
The bar. You can barely see it, but the Purple Pixie dispenser is just to the left of the fan, sitting on the table. Umm ... empty, again.

Midnight Drunken (R) Pirate Lawn Darts (tm) - Berg throwing spears.

Midnight Drunken (R) croquet: Robin, Rose, Matt (aka Paddy O'Furniture), Rachael (aka "My name's not Joan!")
Midnight Drunken (R) White Trash Pirate (tm) Cornhole. The targets were holes cut out of pieces of cardboard, and the tossers were rice in baggies fastened with a twist-tie. Matt (not Paddy, the other Matt), Connell, Tria, and Robin.

Connell, Rachael, Tria.

Connell was declared the overall winner of the games, and receives the appropriate Pirate bling - a big, cheap plastic gold medallion.
Ulfr and Robin ... yeah, I don't know what's going on there. It was late. I blame the Purple Pixie.
Well, that was fun. A nice time for our only real party this summer. Thanks everyone for coming out, and putting up with and/or participating in our Midnight Drunken (R) shenanigans.
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