Saturday Rambling
- The morning glories and moonflowers are growing fast - they are almost tall enough to begin enticing around the trellis. I don't know when (or if) they'll bloom, but so far they're doing great.

- The black-eyed susan vines that I also planted from seeds are growing, too. Their job is to hang over the edge of this planter. We'll see how that goes.

- The two geraniums that lived are doing great. No sign of the third one.

- Daisies: One continues to do well. One that had been growing has now shriveled up and disappeared. Something is coming up in the spot where I planted the third of the daisies and had yet to see any sign of life. But I'm not sure if it's daisy that's coming up, or weed. Will have to wait and see.
- I like the way the impatiens spread out and filled their space. The violets didn't do such a hot job, and look kind of thin and puny. Next year, for continuity, I may just plant impatiens all the way around the border of this bed.

- I'm really going to have to see about giving this rose some more support.

- I finally did some more knitting! This is the current status of the front right. (The front left is done).

And the best news of all - Tyler's doing grand. (He had another run-in with eating something he shouldn't last week, but no drastic action was required, although a wee bit of panic did ensue). But he's fine, and we had a great day lounging around, napping, and just hanging out.

And that's about it for today. I did next to nothing today. I didn't run errands, didn't go grocery shopping, didn't cook for Tyler. Just had a lazy day. And I'll probably go lounge in the living room, veg with some TV, and knit the rest of the evening. Which is all just fine with me. (but will make tomorrow busy).
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