Today was an exercise in reality.
Today started like this.

Yes, that's sock one not even finished this morning. But it was very close, and I completed it in short order, and started on Sock Two at about 8:30 a.m.

About 1:45 p.m. this afternoon.

Then there was the Christmas interlude ... had to make dinner, eat, do the dishes, and open presents.

Greg got Zombie Babes ...

Tyler got a bag o' goodies ...

And I got Pirates 3 !!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course I've seen it, but of course I had to watch it again. I discovered that if I got a good rhythm going in time to "Hoist The Colours," it sped things along. By about 11:30 I had the heel done ...

... but then I moved on to the special features, which are extraordinarily good, and which made it very difficult to knit.

Unfortunately, by 12:23 a.m. me and the sock were dead. I just couldn't take it anymore. That was 16 1/2 hours today - granted, not non-stop knitting the whole time, but large, huge chunks of it. My eyes were crossing, my brain hurt, and my hands were about to desert.

I had to call it a night. I'm off to bed, and hope I can get the last 27 rows done tomorrow before the recipient family shows up in the afternoon. It's only 27 rows ... I think I can do it. If my hands still work in the morning. And if the recipient family stays true to form and arrive much later than the current prediction.
Merry Christmas. zzzzzzzzzzzzz ....
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