As for Pennsic, I'm quite on track now. I'm surprised ... and pretty certain that whole "pre-packing" scheme is what saved me from the pre-Pennsic panic I'd otherwise be experiencing now. All of my pre-packable things are now packed, sitting in the garage waiting to get loaded in the truck. I've already started very tentatively on the things that aren't pre-packable, and won't go with me till the last minute. All the food is bought, cooked and frozen where necessary (except another few last minute things that I can't get till right before I leave, to keep them fresh). Tyler's food is all cooked, both for the next week that I'll be home, and 16 days worth is frozen - more than enough to take him through Pennsic and for me to have some left when I come back, so I don't have to worry about rushing out to the store and cooking for him the day I return. (Yes, I cook for my dog ... one of these days you're getting a post about why everyone who loves their dog should feed him or her a home-cooked diet ... but not today).
That FoodSaver thing was phenomenal for Tyler's food, by the way ... 16 days worth of food vacuum packed and stored in the freezer in about the same amount of space only 4 days of food used to take up. I always stored his food in big square plastic Rubbermaid containers with lids ... and only put 4 days worth at a time in one (because for it to sit in the fridge any longer, it started to get a little wonky). It would have taken 4 of those to get the same amount of food in the freezer, and they take up an enormous amount of space. The FoodSaver bags take up little more space than one of those large containers. I'm definitely asking for one of these for Christmas! (hint, hint, Dread Reverend).
My boss did give me an extra day off, so I have next Thursday and Friday off, plus the whole following week. Bliss! I'm still debating whether to go out Wednesday night, or Thursday. The whole point of asking for the extra day off was to get to Pennsic, and ergo my relaxing R&R, that much sooner. But it occurred to me that by having to work till 4 on Wednesday, then pack up the coolers, go get ice, and drive 1 1/2 hours to take Tyler to my brother's, it's going to make Wednesday night a bit of a scramble to get there - and probably Tuesday night a bit of a scramble to get the truck packed in advance with the last minute things. I could just wait and go Thursday, using my extra day off to sleep in, take my time doing my final packing up without rushing like mad, spend some time with Tyler, and make a nice relaxing day of it. It's really a toss-up - scramble to get there Wednesday, but then not have anything else to worry about starting Thursday morning; or chill out Wednesday and Thursday, and get there a day later but without the scramble. I haven't decided yet.

I've had no time to work on projects for awhile now. I'm planning to take the knitting and weaving with me. Oh, I lie - I have been working on some embroidery, because I'd like to get The Dread Reverend's favor done before I come out to Pennsic. I decided last year to make group favors for us, hand-embroidered. I only got one done, and it went to the First Mate, Berg, because we'd decided to give him a little group award for 'service above and beyond the call of duty.' Here's what they look like. (The double R on the top is Berg's award ... the other favors won't have that).
He's the only one who has one so far, so I'd at least like to get the Captain's done before Pennsic ... at lease those two will have one to wear. I might have mine made by next year.
So things have calmed down somewhat, and now I'm just in the holding pattern, waiting until it's time to do the last few things, and I can go to War for some much-needed R&R.
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