I'm taking the Celtic Icon sweater (started last year some time, and not even half-way done; paused back in January and not picked back up since); an almost finished dishcloth; the stuff to complete 'The Second Sock' (yes, I finally did it - one of a pair done, the other never started; I really want to get that project done, so I can make more socks; I won't let myself start a new pair until I finish that pair); and of course the Log Cabin blanket.

Awhile back I'd spilled some vanilla rum on it (go figure), and it had a sticky spot and a sickly sweet smell every time I picked it up. Sunday, while I was at the laundromat washing my sleeping bag, I finished the row I was on with the blanket, yesterday wove in all the ends I hadn't gotten around to yet, and then washed it, to get rid of that vanilla rum mess before I took it to War to continue working on it.
It's getting close to being declared done. I've decided not to make it bed-sized after all, just 'personal sized.' Once it's large enough to comfortably cover me while napping, that's going to be about it. I think. I don't know ... a full size blanket would have been nice. It's incredibly soft and warm.
I also took several embroidery projects, and I'll be taking the tapestry loom. I haven't had time to work on that in weeks, and would like to spend some time with it this week as well.
Well, with nine whole days, I ought to be able to find time for some of those projects at least. That's, of course, not counting the reading books I took, and the stuff I'll buy there.
This evening's going to be a push ... while I got a lot done yesterday, it wasn't as much as I hoped, and tonight's all the time I have left. I have to go to the grocery store; come home and pack the camp food tote and my personal food tote; empty out the truck (still has stuff from cleaning out the other house), then load it with all that I'm taking out this time (my large blue garb tote, two food totes, a wooden trunk I take my personal stuff in, 2 wicker baskets and a tote bag with hobby supplies), plus two coolers (empty till tomorrow). Sheesh, I never bothered to wonder if I could fit all this stuff in the truck. But I should be able to ... it's not that much, and it's a pretty big truck.
It's going to be rough,though, since Berg (who also isn't back at Pennsic till later in the week) came over last night and I stupidly stayed up till 3:00 a.m. Oh well ... I'll manage, won't be the first time. And I have the anticipation of War in 36 hours to keep me motivated!
Did I mention I finished at dad's house Sunday? All done, keys left, door shut and locked behind me. It was hard. In some ways not as hard as I feared, but in some ways harder than I hoped. I know, that's weird, but that's how it was. But ... while I'm sad, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't also greatly relieved. It was a huge thing that I'd been dealing with for months, and now it's taken care of and completed.