I finished the embroidery on the new pirate shirt, put the buttons on, put in buttonholes, and stitched up the over-long slit in the front to a semi-respectable height. The only thing I'd still like to do is fix the facing on that front slit with a little Stitch Witchery or whatever that iron-on tape is called that will stick the two pieces together, so that the facing doesn't constantly flop out and annoy me.
I also fixed the neckline of another tunic I made last year. T-tunics are pretty simple to make, except I've always had trouble with the neck opening. I made this one too small, and sewing that tiny double-turned hem around a circle is a pain in the butt. I never liked the way this one turned out, so I ripped out the entire hem, made the neck opening a little bigger, and put a facing on it instead of a hem. Much better. The only thing I still have to do to that is sew around the edge to help hold the facing in place, trim the facing, and probably stick it down with a little Stitch Witchery too. (I forgot to take a picture of that one, but will when it's done).
What else did I get done? Oh, I cooked our first meal for Pennsic. Since I hate set-up and tear-down, and additionally I can't be there for either this year because of having to change dog-watching arrangements, I made a deal with my campmates: I'll provide dinner every night for the second week if they will handle my share of the set-up and tear-down. Everyone readily agreed, so I'm making eight one-pot dinners (more or less one-pot, anyway), freezing them in gallon Ziploc freezer bags, and will just heat them up each night at War.
It's funny - I always said I never intended to cook at Pennsic because it's my vacation ... but after seeing the disaster of the kitchen plan the last few years, it would actually be easier for me to cook than to hassle with trying to figure out how to get a decent meal every night. And having at least one good meal a day at Pennsic is important to me ... I'm out there for 9 or 10 days, it's always unGodly hot, I drink a lot, and walk a lot ... eating at least one decent meal a day is vitally important.
So I cooked the first of the meals today, and after it cools (it's still in the crockpot), I'll bag it up and freeze it. One down, seven to go. I figure it's only a little over a month till Pennsic, so I'd better start soon and do a couple meals a week, if I don't want to be scrambling around staying up till midnight every night the last week I'm home, trying to throw this together. And ... no. Been there, done that enough years. None of that this time. I'm getting organized this year!! Dammit.
The Dread Reverend began working on the new sheet wall panels for the camp, too. There will be five of them, and he cut them all, hemmed several of them, and began the artwork on one of the two that will bear our camp's device.
So all in all it was a nice, productive day out on the back porch. I'm tired, and pretty soon lounging on the air mattress on the living room floor, watching a movie, and knitting will be about the extent of the evening.
And I haven't posted a picture of the Poo in awhile ... here he's enjoying having his porch back, after we cleaned up the day-long mess that had accumulated there, relegating him to the yard all day.
It's funny - I always said I never intended to cook at Pennsic because it's my vacation ... but after seeing the disaster of the kitchen plan the last few years, it would actually be easier for me to cook than to hassle with trying to figure out how to get a decent meal every night. And having at least one good meal a day at Pennsic is important to me ... I'm out there for 9 or 10 days, it's always unGodly hot, I drink a lot, and walk a lot ... eating at least one decent meal a day is vitally important.
So I cooked the first of the meals today, and after it cools (it's still in the crockpot), I'll bag it up and freeze it. One down, seven to go. I figure it's only a little over a month till Pennsic, so I'd better start soon and do a couple meals a week, if I don't want to be scrambling around staying up till midnight every night the last week I'm home, trying to throw this together. And ... no. Been there, done that enough years. None of that this time. I'm getting organized this year!! Dammit.
The Dread Reverend began working on the new sheet wall panels for the camp, too. There will be five of them, and he cut them all, hemmed several of them, and began the artwork on one of the two that will bear our camp's device.
So all in all it was a nice, productive day out on the back porch. I'm tired, and pretty soon lounging on the air mattress on the living room floor, watching a movie, and knitting will be about the extent of the evening.
And I haven't posted a picture of the Poo in awhile ... here he's enjoying having his porch back, after we cleaned up the day-long mess that had accumulated there, relegating him to the yard all day.

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