A little more fun in the snow ... I'm tellin' ya, it was arse deep on a Poo!

That awesome boyfriend o'mine noticed that the almost-flat porch roof, piled with more than a foot of snow, was making some discouraging noises, and he climbed up to shovel it off. Which left a huge pile of snow beside the porch, and ... well ... it went something like this.

Then the Dread Reverend noticed that after piling all the snow by the porch, Tyler didn't have a way to get off the porch ... so he made er I mean discovered ... yes, explored and discovered this.

1 comment:
Hey! That's a nice beard Tyler is sporting, very distinguished. I had to trail blaze for my Tzu's, since the snow here is over their heads, but the path I cut for them looks more like a bobsled run or, in their case, it's a bobsled walk. ;P
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