Saturday morning ... aaaahhhh. It's my second favorite time of the week (second only to Sunday morning). Saturdays are busy days. If I have any errands to do, they get done on Saturday morning. I detest shopping as a rule, and never do any of the generic "Let's go shopping!" type. I buy everything at the grocery store, the local around-the-corner drug store, or online.
Rather, Saturday mornings are reserved for any specific things I have to pick up, and usually they are things I really want and am looking forward to getting ... like a new book at the bookstore, treats for Tyler (my dog) at the pet store, or fabric or yarn at the craft store for one of my many projects.
So it's usually fun 'running around.' This morning my boyfriend and I are going to the sewing machine repair place to pick out a new sewing machine - that I'm looking forward to. I'd rather not spend the money, but it has to be done, so I'm not going to worry about it, and instead concentrate on getting something nice that's (mostly) within my budget. My former sewing machine, a little Singer for which I only paid $95 at Wal-Mart, finally bought the farm after 2 1/2 years of relatively heavy use. And this is the very time of year I need to be gearing up again to a lot of sewing, so I can't not have a sewing machine.
I mentioned in my virgin post my involvement in the SCA. For those who don't know, it's a medieval re-creation group with members almost the world over. Lots of people do lots of different things, but for me and my little group, we attend several local events throughout the year where we camp, and do a variety of medieval-esque activities (and some not-so medieval ones), wearing medieval garb the entire time. During camping events there are lots of things to do ... classes to take to learn a skill that was practiced in the middle ages, and "fighting" (mock battles, although they are only mock in that no one gets killed - they are not staged or choreographed in any way), to name just two. We also play a lot of music, and spend a lot of time sitting around campfires drinking rum. Generally a good time is had by all.
But garb is like sex ... you can never have too much, and there's always something new you want to try. So a large chunk of just about every year is given over to making new garb. And, there are always other projects to work on ... this year I want to make new sheet wall panels for our camp (panels of material, decorated, hung up between poles, to delinate the boundaries of our camp), and other camp-enhancing projects.
In addition to all that, I'm determined this year to get back to a hobby I've tried several times before, but never managed to make enough time for - quilting. I have this insane idea to make a quilt based on one of the panels from the Book of Kells - specifically, the particular page on this website (scroll all the way to the bottom to see it). But before I can do that, I want to finish two other quilts I started in the past. And before I can do any of that, I need a sewing machine. In fact, I was working on one of those quilts a few weeks ago when my sewing machine died.

As if I didn't have enough projects, I started a new knitting project last night - a Log Cabin blanket from the Mason-Dixon Knitting book. I've been working on my Celtic Icon sweater for almost a year (yeah, I'm slow), but sometimes I need a break from the intense concentration of working all that cabling. I need something simple for awhile. I made a cotton dishcloth this week with a skull and crossbones on it, but that went too quickly. I decided to raid my stash and see what I had for a Log Cabin blanket, and found enough to make it worth starting.
So that's my day ... go buy a sewing machine, go over and cook my dad dinner (pork chops, roasted potato wedges, and some veggie), then come home. My boyfriend, aka The Dread Reverend, has a gig tonight at Callahan's Irish Pub here in town, so I'll either go to that (with knitting), or stay home and play with the new sewing machine.
Tomorrow - pictures of the current quilt-in-progress, a Tolkien quilt.
Rather, Saturday mornings are reserved for any specific things I have to pick up, and usually they are things I really want and am looking forward to getting ... like a new book at the bookstore, treats for Tyler (my dog) at the pet store, or fabric or yarn at the craft store for one of my many projects.
So it's usually fun 'running around.' This morning my boyfriend and I are going to the sewing machine repair place to pick out a new sewing machine - that I'm looking forward to. I'd rather not spend the money, but it has to be done, so I'm not going to worry about it, and instead concentrate on getting something nice that's (mostly) within my budget. My former sewing machine, a little Singer for which I only paid $95 at Wal-Mart, finally bought the farm after 2 1/2 years of relatively heavy use. And this is the very time of year I need to be gearing up again to a lot of sewing, so I can't not have a sewing machine.
I mentioned in my virgin post my involvement in the SCA. For those who don't know, it's a medieval re-creation group with members almost the world over. Lots of people do lots of different things, but for me and my little group, we attend several local events throughout the year where we camp, and do a variety of medieval-esque activities (and some not-so medieval ones), wearing medieval garb the entire time. During camping events there are lots of things to do ... classes to take to learn a skill that was practiced in the middle ages, and "fighting" (mock battles, although they are only mock in that no one gets killed - they are not staged or choreographed in any way), to name just two. We also play a lot of music, and spend a lot of time sitting around campfires drinking rum. Generally a good time is had by all.
But garb is like sex ... you can never have too much, and there's always something new you want to try. So a large chunk of just about every year is given over to making new garb. And, there are always other projects to work on ... this year I want to make new sheet wall panels for our camp (panels of material, decorated, hung up between poles, to delinate the boundaries of our camp), and other camp-enhancing projects.
In addition to all that, I'm determined this year to get back to a hobby I've tried several times before, but never managed to make enough time for - quilting. I have this insane idea to make a quilt based on one of the panels from the Book of Kells - specifically, the particular page on this website (scroll all the way to the bottom to see it). But before I can do that, I want to finish two other quilts I started in the past. And before I can do any of that, I need a sewing machine. In fact, I was working on one of those quilts a few weeks ago when my sewing machine died.

As if I didn't have enough projects, I started a new knitting project last night - a Log Cabin blanket from the Mason-Dixon Knitting book. I've been working on my Celtic Icon sweater for almost a year (yeah, I'm slow), but sometimes I need a break from the intense concentration of working all that cabling. I need something simple for awhile. I made a cotton dishcloth this week with a skull and crossbones on it, but that went too quickly. I decided to raid my stash and see what I had for a Log Cabin blanket, and found enough to make it worth starting.
So that's my day ... go buy a sewing machine, go over and cook my dad dinner (pork chops, roasted potato wedges, and some veggie), then come home. My boyfriend, aka The Dread Reverend, has a gig tonight at Callahan's Irish Pub here in town, so I'll either go to that (with knitting), or stay home and play with the new sewing machine.
Tomorrow - pictures of the current quilt-in-progress, a Tolkien quilt.
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