The crash hit, yesterday. I just couldn't make myself do anything last night, and in fact I ended up going to bed about 9:00 p.m. Consequently, I woke up at 5:00 a.m., but that's another story.
This is a bad time for it to hit, as these are going to be the busiest days of my last week - at least, busiest by need, not desperation. There's lots of stuff I couldn't (or didn't want to) do till the last minute, and that last minute is pretty much in the next 42 hours or so. I am doing all my laundry now, have all my garb to pack (didn't want it scrunched up in a tote any longer than necessary), and last minute things to pack I can't pack earlier because I'm using them up until I'm almost ready to leave. There's half of Tyler's food still to cook and freeze (I should have done that yesterday but ... didn't). And of course the entire truck packing is yet to come.
I managed to get a few things done tonight, but not as much as I'd have liked. Tomorrow's going to be a bit frenzied.
I don't know why I get so obsessed with Pennsic. Other people can take it or leave it. Even those who love it don't seem to obsess about it quite the way I do. Or ... maybe they just keep their thoughts to themselves better than I do. Judging from the Twitterverse there are those who are just as giddy and impatient as me, from those seemingly few who aren't there yet.
There are
plenty of tweets coming in from Pennsic, though! I have mixed feelings about that - on the one hand, it's damned cool to be able to get real-time reports and pictures from various locations around Pennsic until I can get there ... and on the other hand, it's just kind of weird. But I check it, only once a day or so, as too much more than that starts depressing me.
Greg lost his voice already - usually doesn't happen till middle weekend. Yesterday he was barely intelligible. Today actually seemed somewhat better. I asked him to (and he said he would) rest up in the next few days, as he's always so burned out and exhausted by the time I get there, he's about ready to go home, rather than start a whole new week. I said 'save some Pennsic for me.' Hopefully that'll work out, as I'd enjoy it a whole lot more with him than without him.
Oh - I almost forgot, there was an actual point to this post. I realized why this year is so much worse than most, and it's not just my imagination. Every other single year since I started going to Pennsic (8 previous ones so far) I have
always gone out first weekend - in the early years, for the whole weekend, later when I had dogsitting issues, at least for a few hours sometime over the weekend, often twice.
This has been the first year ever that I have not been there yet at all, not once, not even for a little while. I haven't trolled in, don't have my medallion yet! Usually hanging that medallion from my rear-view mirror for the week is a big deal ... it's not there this year. That's why I'm more nuts than usual about it - I didn't get my little "pre-War-week fix" this year. Might have to make other arrangements next year.
I'm off to bed, busy day tomorrow - last day of work, last evening at home. Woo-hoo! (I'm already missing Tyler, the only downside of Pennsic, but ... he's going to be in very good hands, and I'm only 45 minutes away; and he's definitely, as always, going on the next vacation to the island, already booked for the end of September).