Yep. I got a netbook. I've been wanting one of these for years ... in fact, I've been wanting one of these since even before they were available to the masses, before I even knew they actually existed - I just knew I wanted as small a laptop as I could get, one small enough to actually carry around with me easily (without lugging a big case, and weighing me down). When I bought my second-to-last laptop, I complained that I couldn't get a smaller one. When I bought the current laptop (after the second-to-last one got stolen), I searched for the smallest one I could find (or, well, afford - the Sony Vaio was a little bit smaller, but it was $1,000 more, and I wasn't willing to pay that).
But even then I kept saying, "I want something smaller, a little mini laptop, something about the size of a trade paperback."
Apparently I wasn't the only one, because not long after that netbooks began appearing on the market. When they began to be more widely available, I eyed them enviously. But the prices were still a little more than I could justify spending on something I didn't really need, and initially they were pretty weak - with, like, 8GB hard drives and very little memory.
Lately I've been hunting them down online again, and found this one for only $280. That was a price I could live with. It's an Acer Aspire One. I've done hours of research, and read dozens and dozens of user reviews, and overall everything I've read has been very positive, so I decided to go for it.

A comparison shot - and remember, my Toshiba was the smallest laptop I could find at the time, so it's way smaller than most 'normal' laptops as it is.
So far I am thrilled. This thing is fantastic!!! It does everything I need it to do, with no problems. I didn't plan to have everything in the world installed on this one - I mainly wanted it for portable internet access and word processing (like working on a book). I was planning to leave my memory-hogging programs (like my complex photo editing software) on my main computer, which is fine - I don't need to have that with me all the time.
Although if I wanted to put it on the Acer, I could - the thing is almost as powerful as my main computer. It's got a 160GB hard drive (my main laptop has a 230GB hard drive, of which I'm only using a fraction as it is) and 1 GB of memory (my main computer has 2GB, but the Acer's is upgradeable to 2, though so far I haven't seen any need). So I can't really think of any use I'd have for it that it's not going to be able to handle.
Yep. I'm in love. This thing is totally awesome.