I haven't done much new work on the pond garden, but here's it's current state of affairs as well - a definite improvement over how it started out this spring. I have lots more I want to do here (and over the rest of the yard) but time and energy have been lacking lately. In addition to that, I managed to hurt my shoulder somehow over the last few weeks (I can't remember exactly when it started hurting, so I don't know exactly what I did to it), and don't quite feel up to digging and hauling around heavy bags of soil. Hmm, maybe that is what did it in the first place.

I'm specifically going on about all this other stuff to avoid the one thing I most need to do ... deal with this mess.

Since my dad passed away, I have to collect the mail at his house whenever I get over there (a couple times a week; I have a change of address card to fill out, so his mail would come directly to my house, but haven't managed to get around to that either). Which means I have all my own bills to pay every month, plus his. This shouldn't be a big deal, but for some reason a few years ago I began having trouble paying my own bills - I mean, the money would be there, I just couldn't seem to make myself sit down and write out the checks and pay them until right up on the due date -and now that there are two batches (and the accompanying two checking accounts, and two bank statements to reconcile every month), it just kind of snapped something in my already overwhelmed brain, and I have not been able to deal with it. So the bills (and other things, like the life insurance paperwork, stuff I have to deal with from an old worker's comp claim I have, etc., etc., ad nauseam) just stacks up on my table in a threatening, annoying pile. The only concession to doing something with it that I accomplished this week was to sort it all into piles. I really need to sit down, do the bank statement, and pay those bills - some of which I know are late ... and I just can't seem to work up to it. Maybe if I just do one at a time, then take a break ... .
Or, I could just knit.